On Daf 52a of Bava Batra, the gemara suggests investing a deposit from a minor suspected of theft as a segulah without explaining the term.
Later on the daf, two possible explanations are provided for the term segulah:
Rav Chisda explains that it is a Sefer Torah.
Rabbah Bar Bar Chanah says that it is a Palm Tree.
Sefer Torah – Spiritual Investment
Rashbam explains that with regard to a Sefer Torah, a child will be able to learn from it and the principal remains for him in this world. The Sefer Torah is a beautiful investment for his future, and he derives spiritual fruit, as it were, by learning from it.
Palm Tree – Physical Investment
In a similar vein, Rashbam explains that a palm tree is a tangible physical investment for the child, who will also be able to eat its dates, thus benefitting from the physical fruit provided by the tree.
Why specifically a palm tree? Rashbam explains that a child is easily able to climb the tree and gather its fruits. The tree itself is robust and enduring. Hence it can be easily bequeathed to the child when he grows up.
An alternative interpretation
Rabbi Johnny Solomon has a deeply insightful interpretation that explores the term segulah with reference to the Jewish people, who are called in Exodus Am Segulah, a treasured people. See his explanation on this Facebook post.